Cinquain and Delpit Posting
Over worked
Mind transpiring
To digest info
It’s hard to be awake
All Students Should be Educated on Different Situations of Power
It’s important to teach all students about figures of authority, how the law works and who should be respected, and how to behave in different real-life situations. The reason for not merely teaching acceptance to minority children is that every student deserves a chance to be enlightened on the different aspects of the world’s cultures. It doesn’t make sense to cater their education to a pre-assumed idea of what they’re going to amount to be. Just because they come from minority families doesn’t mean they don’t have a chance to potentially work in an environment with majority citizens or possibly even work up to owning a big time company. Teaching to stereotypes reflecting behaviors they are already familiar with doesn’t broaden their horizons and doesn’t give them a sense for what it takes to work in a different environment than what they know. It’s important that all students be prepared to respond to different situations of power and respect since their future is not set in stone. Minority students shouldn’t have to accept that they will never be able to succeed in a realm where they might have more control over people or hold more power. They need to know how to act in those situations so they can succeed in areas outside of the classroom.
I agree that it is necessary to teach people how to succeed in the broader society, but I don't think the people who don't believe in teaching just Standard English are trying to teach just to stereotypes. Their view that all dialects are valid is fair and open-minded, but it doesn't help the students to achieve in a setting where Standard English is required (which is the case for most professional arenas). I think they are trying to do what is right and be progressive, but they are not being practical.
I second that. I think that acceptance in necessary in the sense that we should learn to accept all languages and dialects as unique yet equal. I also agree that minority students should not be expected to simply accept the language of power as what is correct and right, forcing them to abandon their native tongue.
I definitly agree with you. I think that the students that were in the essay don't realize that the effort they put in will be rewarded, just like the effort I put in with my Spanish class. It isn't easy trying to adapt to different cultures, but it is my effort alond that will reep the benefits. The teacher aides in my learning a lot, but it is mostly my attitude towards what I am learning that actually allows me to be successful.
I agree. If the only society they are familiar with is the one they grew up in, and that same society is all they are taught about in school, they will have a harder time adjusting to the rest of the world if and when they stray farther than their home towns.
You're cinquain looks good to me! I think it's very interesting, and it looks like it fits the format perfectly.
Is overworked a prepositional phrase? I don't know. If it is, then I see no errors here!
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