Multiple English Languages
In the YouTube video posted by Crystal VanKooten, issues of the the affect media-communications are having on the English language are raised. Personally, there seems to be multiple different forms of the English language. The different forms go beyond just prescriptive and descriptive and delve into what areas people use different types of English. There are so many different forms of communication where English is used differently. For example, talking on the phone, instant messaging, texting, writing a blog for fun, and writing a college paper all utilize separate forms of the English language. While the prescribed way of writing a college level paper is somewhat strict, the rules of English in a texting conversation are completely different.
I think the largest factor determining the way English is used is the audience. If I am writing an email to a friend it will be filled with exclamation points, emoticons, and probably some grammatical errors. When writing an email to a professor or boss, the email is formal and gone over with a fine toothed comb to search out any possible errors. The problem arises when the person writing does not take their audience into account. This is where teachers can play a large role in helping their students to understand the different between talking to friends and to superiors; teaching them that there is a differentiation and that there is a personal power to be had by being able to distinguish that split.
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