Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Is the Internet degrading English?

In my mind, English won't degrade as long as people don't speak as they type on the Internet. I have met a few people who say "J/K" and "TY" in real life, and that makes me shake my head. I hope that it isn't foreshadowing the end of English. If the use of CMC becomes more integrated into peoples lives, then maybe future generations will have more difficultly learning correct spelling and grammar. One thing that I find interesting is that the usage of "proper" English in communities where people commonly use netspeak is sometimes viewed as arrogant and pretentious. For example, when I first started chatting with people online, I attempted to type with correct grammar and spelling, but then people always pointed out how I typed. In that situation, I eventually gave in to the norm and began to type like everyone else, but even though I occasionally may type poorly on the Internet, I do not speak that way.

So I am not convinced that English is currently being degraded by CMC. As long as it is contained in the Internet, I think that "proper" English will persevere.


At 11:59 PM, Blogger Cameo said...

But what happens when CMC becomes the primary exposure most people have to written English?

With the rise of CMC, appreciation for the written word begins to disappear. And when that happens we get books like Twilight... It may be a wonderful story, but you can't tell me that that series is a well written work of literature.


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